The medical mystery story has become its own genre. Normally, it follows a familiar arc—from confusion to confirmation, resignation to relief. The arc of this week’s story is not so clean which is what makes it so compelling.
Tom Scocca was a reputable journalist and healthy father of two when he started feeling some strange symptoms—shortness of breath, tightness in his shoulder, swelling in his feet.
Tom’s undiagnosed maladies coincided with a career break after the publication he was running ran out of funding. One moment he had his health and his job. And then, abruptly, he didn’t.
The piece is the best essay I’ve read in recent memory. One line sticks with me: “The able and the disabled aren’t two different kinds of people but the same people at different times.”
I hope you take the time to read it if for no other reason than it’ll help you count your blessings.
Here’s the piece: My Unraveling
Personal updates:
Happy New Year to subscribers new and old! This will be year eight of writing this humble newsletter, and I’m grateful that you’re here.
The Good Enough Job surpassed 20,000 US sales, a milestone that I wasn’t sure I’d ever reach, let alone mere months after publication! Thank you for all the support 😊.
There are 48 hours left to register for my course, Designing Your Next Career Step, which kicks off on Wednesday. If you’re looking to bring more intention to your career to start the year, join us.
P.S. The song of the week is a funk remix with a bassline you can feel in your chest. The full songs of the week playlist is here.